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Insurance Producer Continuing Education Bundle Deal

Purchase any combination of our 30 courses that provide 21 hours or more of continuing education – and get your 3 hour state required Ethics webinar/seminar FREE

Complete Your Continuing Education In As Little As Three Days

  • You can order your ABRC® program by US mail, paying by check, money order, American Express, MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Order also by telephone, fax, or internet, charging your course to American Express, MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card.
    ABRC® will ship your course to you UPS the same day your order is received. Express mail is available upon request. You will complete your course including the take-home open-book final exam and mail, e-mail or fax your answers back to ABRC® for grading.
  • When ABRC® receives your open-book final exam answers, we will grade them immediately. ABRC® will email you with your results, will transmit to the Illinois Department of Insurance your proof of completion and send you your Certificate of Completion. ABRC® will do everything possible to make your continuing education quick and convenient to assure your success.

Details & Benefits

  • Public Act #96-0839 (215 ILCS 5/500-35) effective January 2010, requires every Illinois licensed insurance producer to complete 24 hours of continuing education every 2 year renewal period. Three of the 24 hours must be an Ethics Seminar, or as of July 2018 an Ethics Webinar. Contact us at  1-800-654-ABRC for information on meeting the ethics requirement.
  • Most of the ABRC® courses outlined on the following pages have been certified by the State of Illinois Department of Insurance for 12 hours, the maximum number of credit hours allowed for one course. Other courses have been certified by the Illinois Department of Insurance for various hours of credit. Check the information on each course for specific credit hours. Choose the course or courses that meet your individual needs.
  • Each custom designed SELF-STUDY program allows you to complete your continuing education requirements quickly with as LITTLE TIME AWAY FROM YOUR OFFICE, HOME AND OTHER ACTIVITIES AS POSSIBLE.
    Each course is low in cost to you.
    Each course provides you useful, practical information which will make you more confident, successful and professional.
  • ASSURED SUCCESS. All continuing education course final exams are twenty-five questions and open-book. You are encouraged to look up any questions of which you are unsure. If, at any point in your course, you have questions or a problem, you are encouraged to call our TOLL-FREE HELP-LINE at  1-800-654-ABRC and our full-time, professional customer support staff will assist you in every way possible. Our goal is to provide you maximum assistance to assure your success. In the very unlikely event that you fail your final exam, our staff will notify you immediately and make arrangements for you to take another final exam.

Select Your Course

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Your information will be submitted securely to ABRC®

An account will automatically be created upon submission. Your username and a temporary password will be sent to the email address you provided.
CALL 1-800-654-ABRC® (2272)

Includes Illinois Sales Tax as well as all shipping and handling charges.
WOW!!! That's a real deal!

  • “I was just contacting you to let you know I passed both the Life and Health producer’s licensing exams yesterday. Thanks so much for providing such great prelicensing education for all four lines. I couldn’t be more happy with the quality of service I have received from your company and your personal presentation. Overall I think the material you covered in the class thoroughly represented the material on the test. Thanks for everything.”

    Ryan Hubbert, Eureka, IL

  • “I took your Property/Casualty Seminar last week April 23 & 24 at Chicago/O’Hare Holiday Inn. Just wanted to let you know I went to Pearson Vue yesterday and passed both exams!! Hardest test of my life, I will admit. But enjoyed the class! Far as exciting as the material was, you made it enjoyable. Cheers!”

    Kelsey Zaccagnini, IPMG, St. Charles, IL

  • "I used ABRC for my Life & Health exam. I passed the test on the very first try! The ABRC material is thorough and makes sure to leave no stone unturned when it comes to teaching you what you need to know. Can't wait to use their products again for my continuing education as well as my securities licenses. Thanks for helping me pass ABRC!"

    Lauren Glenn, Downers Grove, IL

CALL 1-800-654-ABRC® (2272)